  • 09890662895


Myself SANJAY YADAV Chief Financial Advisor from Sanjay Financial Services .I recommend and distribute financial products after due study is done on clients financial goals as well as on his risk appetite. I strongly believe in this statement -" The financial products should fit into the strategies laid out and not the other way round " To serve my client's better I encourage use of technology to the maximum . I manage 100 Cr AUM portfolio of insurance and investment and have been secured 1000 family life . . I am in this profession from last 21 years and have strong and large base of satisfied clients across the country and abroad.

I give my clients individual login credentials to view his portfolio of products anytime , anywhere .Transactions regards mutual fund schemes can also happen online -paperless, fast and secure . At regular interval , I send summary report to my clients and sit for a detailed review of strategy and products recommended .. I regular update my clients with news , views and opinions in easy-to-understand , short and jargon free language . Besides the regular meetings and interactions over mail, phone and whats App , I welcome my clients for "Investor Awareness Program " , where I invite industry expert as guest speaker to interact with you to know more about financial planning...

‘Your wealth creation is my objective , Your Dreams Our Commitment‘
